Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Political Party

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, it should be apparent to all that the political process in the USA seems to be FUBAR.  Those who know me know I lean a little left.  Even so, I am greatly disappointed with the Democratic Party, and appalled by the Republican Party.  As I view the Tea Party as the more fanatical segment of the Republican Party, I think you can guess my opinion :-)
I have often thought if myself as Independent - but have not considered this a viable voting strategy.
Before I say more - know that I will never vote straight party ticket.  Abdication of ones mind is the last thing we need these days!

So I have been thinking... what platform would a political party have to have to get my overall support?  Here is my radical list:
  1. Candidate pledges to serve ONLY one term. 
  2. Candidate will not take any contributions from anyone but individuals, and will adhere to strict contribution limits (No Corporations, Unions, PACs, Religious groups, etc.)
  3. Candidate will only air ads that talk about their own platform, and will refuse to endorse any ads not part of their campaign
  4. Candidate pledges to leave their personal belief systems at the doorstep. 
  5. Candidate pledges to always work for a workable compromise, recognizing they must all their varied constituencies.
  6. Candidate pledges to never refuse to disclose any details of their actions as an elected official (unless that would not violate US law).
  7. Candidate pledges to provide complete transparency to his/her votes, moves, committe actions, etc.  No anonymity allowed in the term.
  8. Candidate pledges to support the enactment of any law that provides ethical oversight, transparency, and stricter term limits to our elected officials.
Notice anything missing?  You should.  See, I really am less interested in the details of a candidates platform.  I am more interested in outing the bad bedfellows we have in goverment. 

I know - this is a pipe dream. But I can still dream, can't I?

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