Saturday, December 29, 2012

Second Chances

I don't usually post about me.  Or rather, I post often about things I find interesting. 
While my vast readership would challenge my opinion on interesting - I infrequently persevere :-)

Today is our anniversary.
We have spent the last dozen years blissfully together.
Every day and especially on this one, I choose Holly.
Again and again...

If I could muster up the grumpiness to find anything to regret, it is that we will not have long enough lives to likely celebrate a 40, 50 or 60 year anniversary.

But I digress.

Life can be hard.  Anyone who lives it recognizes that.  Now compared to many, mine has been rather charmed.  Even so, mistakes were made, and I found myself at almost 40 without a life partner.  Without someone to share the highs and lows of life.  To have and to hold. 

In retrospect, it is clear that I met Holly just at the right time.  The life experiences I went through were the best teacher.  Showing me clearly who I am and what I desired out of life.  I am not saying that had we met another time in our lives that we would not have ended up together.  I am pretty sure that some things are just meant to be.  But it took a failed first chance to prepare me for the miracle of Holly. For those that don't know her, it is your loss.  She is an amazing woman, who quietly shines her beautiful light on her small corner of the world.  As far as second chances go, this was the granddaddy of them all. 

In the beginnings of us, we spent a couple days on Catalina Island.  One of the places I remember well was Two Harbors.  An isthmus of land separating two beautiful harbors.  I enjoy analogies, and felt as if each of us were the harbors, and finally discovering each other, bridging the narrow gap that had kept us apart. 

Discovery was short.  Like 2 puzzle pieces we fell into each other easily and snugly. 
Life may continue to be hard, but having Holly in my life ads a sweetness and joy to everything. 
I can't imagine life without her.  She is my true North.  The place I call home. 

It IS a Happy Anniversary indeed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are a big mushy. She is a lucky lady.