Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Politics gone bad

In this country of ours, it is standard fare to see an adversarial relationship between the 2 major political parties.  Similar to what we have in our legal system.  It is as old as taxes - and while I would love to see the volume on the rhetoric and posturing lowered - it would not be politics without some of this.
This post is not about that - as much as that is a relevant and well discussed topic.  No.  It is about the line I think should be drawn by politicians, the point at which the adversity goes from bad taste, to something more approximating the unethical.

Our elected representatives are voted into their respective offices in order to manage our country's affairs.  This usually corresponds to policy positions, and align well with their party's platform.  They need to balance many priorities.  Represent the entirety of the population that elected them, and support the political party they belong to.  Implicit in this, is that the policy positions they espouse are, in fact, what they believe is the best for our country.

My concern is that I have lately seen a trend towards playing out the politics to support a political party at the expense of representing the people who put them in office, and more concerningly, at the expense of doing the job they were elected to perform - to the detriment of this country.
When a politician voices that his or her first priority is to unseat another elected official - we have politics gone amok.  It is as close to reneging on the oaths they spoke when they took office as you can get.

I hope voters are paying attention and remember this next November.  To borrow an annoying phrase - Enough is Enough!

1 comment:

ruminations said...

I cpuld not agree more. What a misguided bunch of clowns we have put in charge of our affairs. I almost think the US is about done for. This includes potus and his cabinet but especially the reps and senators. The ssolutions to the countries problems are so simple and obvious but these people can not see them. Too many special intersts and lobbyists.