Saturday, September 27, 2008

Obama / McCain Debate

For anyone who asks - my political leanings and preferences are not a secret.
So let me start by saying that I consider myself an independent, and could vote republican, democrat, or any other party if I felt the candidate would do his/her job successfully.
This year, barring any large surprises, I will vote for Obama.

So now that my political leanings and biases are well established - here is my take on last night's debate.

  1. Even if McCain does not respect Obama's politics or opinions, he should respect HIM. He was disrespectful and condescending last night. Not a trait I want to see any more of in this county's executive branch.
  2. Obama may be a little hurt by being overly respectful. To concede that your opponent is occasionally right (i.e. you agree with him), works well in most arenas (barring politics). He might have instead used the words "I am glad, Senator McCain, that you agree with my position on... . Same thing, but assumes ownership of the idea.
  3. Did anyone notice McCain's odd mannerisms every time Obama spoke? It was painful to watch. I know McCain was trying to use Obama's air-time to silently communicate disagreement, amusement and condescension. If that was an overt strategy on his part, in my opinion it is something he should immediately discontinue.
  4. Obama still panders a little too much for my liking. Example - McCain touted that he wears a POW bracelet. Mind you, I really couldn't care less. Instead of letting it pass uncommented, Obama said he too wore one. Now I *think* he was trying to say "so what if you wear one, how exactly does that qualify you to be president?". In these ridiculously political days - he could not say that without offending some veterans, or being misquoted. He should have let McCain's comment slide.
  5. McCain's intent was a little to single-minded and obvious. He wants to mention that he is the candidate with experience. Barrak is too young, too inexperienced, and naive. However, the punch was missing. For me to make that point, I need to expound on HOW my opponent is displaying that naivete. He failed to do that. In fact, there were several occasions when Obama spoke about a topic; McCain followed up with his too oft spoken "You just don't understand", and then proceeded to repeat the same basic points Obama said. Sorta takes the punch out of the take home when you speak from both sides of your mouth.
For my take, I score Obama a 7 out of 10. McCain a 4 out of 10. Both need to improve to differing degrees.


ruminations said...

Good analisys (?) of the lousy
so called debate. I would flunk both of them.

Francy-Pants said...

I agree with almost every point here. Great analysis. It was a decent debate, and a fine show of politicking all around, I suppose.

The bracelet comment was rather revealing, in my opinion, because it highlighted the distinct differences in world views of their supporters, and their respective policies. For me, it was a highlight, one of the few times Obama did not let McCain get away with exploiting his "experience."

I think the most irritating part of the debate were the overt "talking points" practiced by McCain. The "he doesn't understand" comments were only slightly more transparent than the "I've been to/met with so and so" comments.

It's the Palin/Biden debate I am really looking forward to. Her idiocy would be much funnier if she were not a real candidate, but rather just a sketch comedy character.

amycue said...

Even if I disagree with most of what you say I love that you are blogging and writing! I think all debates are overrated and don't usually watch them very carefully. But this election being fairly important I have made the time and have been "pleased" with both McCain and Palin's performances - that being said - they still were not great debates.

Thanks for putting forth your opinions - I look forward to reading more!